My name is Jerry, President of Your Recovery Guide LLC. I am a recovered alcoholic and addict. I have been sober since December 12, 2012.
My background was in business my entire life. Owning and operating a chain of full service car washes, convenience stores and gasoline distribution companies.
My only successes were in business because my alcoholism and addiction kept my personal recovery in shambles. Married and divorced 4 times, father of 4 kids. I tried getting sober countless times over 28 years that included 19 residential treatment stays, 1000's of 12 step meetings. Everything changed in 2012 when I was given a presentation of recovery like none before. Things began to really make sense and my life transformed. I was so excited about my new found freedom that I wanted to help others find their way as best I could. At 2 years sober, I took a job working in one of the best treatment facilities in the world, it was also where I got sober. After 2 years working under amazing supervision while taking classes online and getting multiple certifications, Your Recovery Guide was created. I have made incredible relationships with many individuals and facilities that are at the very top of the field and I also have gained knowledge about the places to avoid. Please call me if you are having trouble with any addiction related issues, I promise that together we can come up with a plan that makes sense. I cost nothing to call.
Jerry Gabbert is an experienced recovery professional who specializes in transitional recovery coaching AND INTERVENTIONS.
Perhaps returning home from treatment brings alot of fear, or simply you are unsure of your ability to successfully implement your aftercare/recovery plan without the support and accountability that was provided in treatment. We can help you make this transition and supply the support, accountability and direction needed for success.
In early recovery we may have obligations facing us that are uncomfortable being newly sober, maybe traveling for business or a family crisis. Whatever the case may be, we can accompany you and navigate through whatever you are dealing with together, helping to keep your recovery first and diminishing any fears that arise.
We have worked with corporate executives, celebrities and chronic relapsers of all walks of life. We accompany our clients in a background role that doesn't draw the attention of others but are a constant support and accountability partner for our clients.
We provide professional intervention services to get your loved one into treatment. We offer lifelong support for everyone involved, so you can feel secure about the future. We'll help you plan and perform your intervention and provide complete family case management.
Our intervention services include automobile transport within the state of Texas to a treatment provider. Out of state intervention or out of state treatment destinations will require additional expenses for air travel and travel related expenses.
Most people are unaware that the intervention is just as much, if not more, for the family than it is for the person addicted to drugs or alcohol. An intervention ensures that codependency and enabling are addressed so that proper boundaries of accountability can be delivered to an addict or alcholic.
After the intervention is over, what happens next? It is not the job of an interventionist to be your loved one's primary addiction counselor once the intervention is completed. It is, however the interventionist's job to be the counselor for the family and to offer ongoing support for codependency and enabling as well as alcohol and drug test monitoring for your loved one.
While your loved one is in treatment, we figuratively hold your hand and offer support for whatever might arise throughout the recovery process. In addition to the intervention we offer ongoing services such as case management, monitoring and drug testing for your loved one - while simultaneously focusing on helping your family get through the fallout from addiction. The combination of continued accountability for both family and addict or alcoholic greatly increases the long term success of both sides.
We have relationships with the best treatment facilities worldwide and can help you find the facility that meets your needs within your resources. This is a free service because we want everyone to find the best care possible within their resources. Please call us anytime and we will help you navigate through the options at no cost.
We offer full service transport services to and from treatment facilities. We transport by automobile within the State of Texas and accompany clients on airlines worldwide. We are certified recovery specialist that can provide a safe passage for you or your loved one to treatment or aftercare services.
Respond in confidence that all communication will be held in privacy.